Jeremy N. Smith: Journalist, Podcaster, and Author of “Breaking and Entering: The Extraordinary Story of a Hacker Called "Alien"” (Ep. 22)


Jeremy N. Smith

Jeremy N. Smith is a successful journalist, host/co-host of three podcasts, and the author of four thrilling books. He has written for multiple well-known outlets including The Atlantic, Discover, Slate, and the New York Times. His most recent book, Breaking and Entering, (written for mature audiences) is about a female hacker named, ‘Alien,’ and her journey into the hacking world. While being a notable journalist and fantastic author, he is also a father. He and his daughter host a delightful podcast called, You Must Know Everything, which is about all of the stuff you don’t quite ever get to at school.

To read his full bio, vist:

You Must Know Everything:

Breaking and Entering: The Extraordinary Story of a Hacker Called ‘Alien’ :


David Epstein: Author of “Range” and “The Sports Gene” and Former Senior “Sports Illustrated” Writer (Ep. 23)


Dr. Angela Duckworth: Author of “Grit” and Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania (Ep. 21)