The Influencer Industry - The Quest for Authenticity on Social Media: Dr. Emily Hund (Author of "The Influencer Industry")(Ep. 120)

Dr. Emily Hund

Throughout the 21st century, mistrust in our societal institutions has “Authenticity” has become an economic token on social media. And, not in a metaphorical way. This has led to people becoming brands. The so-called “influencer” is an icon of an industry not yet recognized or respected by society at large.

This new industry is composed of a digital labor force whose livelihoods are at the whims of all-powerful, ever-changing algorithms. In this episode, Dr. Emily Hund, the author of The Influencer Industry: The Quest for Authenticity on Social Media (Princeton University Press, 2023), explains the rise of this new economy and why it should be recognized and legitimized by the public. 


  • How did this “branded” culture develop?

  • What is an “influencer?”

  • The Narrative of Self-sufficiency: Are you really self-sufficient if you are an influencer?

  • "Authenticity" on Social Media - is it really authentic?

  • Legitimizing the "Influencer Industry"

  • "What books have had an impact on you?"

  • "What advice do you have for teenagers?"


Emily Hund, PhD, is the author of the book, The Influencer Industry: The Quest for Authenticity on Social Media (Princeton University Press, 2023). She writes, speaks, and consults on topics related to influencers, the reshaping of cultural industries, and the digital labor force. Early in her career, she worked as a magazine writer and social media editor, and earned degrees in journalism and sociology from Penn State University.

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